About the G306A000
The G306A000 model is an Operator Interface Terminal produced by Red Lion as part of the G3 Series HMIs and has a 5.7" TFT analog touchscreen. The actual display on the model is a 256-color QVGA display with a resolution of 320 x 420 pixels. This model cannot be used in outdoor applications as it does not have a UV-rated overlay which helps the screen be read in direct sunlight.
During the operation of the G306A000 HMI, a power supply of twenty-four volts of direct current is required. While the requirement is twenty-four volts, likely, the device will draw less than the maximum power rate depending on the chosen options. The model can also draw more power, some options which can cause this to occur are a CompactFlash card, additional communication types, an optional communications card, and others. All of the precautions that should be taken when mounting the power supply and HMI together can be found in the attached Red Lion bulletin on the third page.
The touchscreen on this model is described as a resistive analog screen used to help with the input. When an active touchscreen cell is sensed on the G306A000 model an audile beep (tone) will be produced. The moment that the operator interface has been initialized the touchscreen is completely functional and can be used with gloved hands if required.
There are three LEDs on the front panel of this HMI, the top LED is known as the power LED, the middle LED is identified as the yellow LED, and the bottom LED is labeled as the green LED. There are five different indicators associated with the yellow LED, which are off, flashing slowly, flashing rapidly, steady, and flickering. When the LED is flashing rapidly it will indicate the CompactFlash card is being checked. For all of the associated indicators of each LED please refer to the sixth page of the attached Red Lion Bulletin.